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學(xué)校性質(zhì): 民辦
辦學(xué)層次: 技工院校
在校人數(shù): 1000-5000人
學(xué)校地址: 河南省鄭州市二七區(qū)馬寨鎮(zhèn)學(xué)院路6號



Zhengzhou New East Cuisine School is a large professional cooking school, approved by Zhengzhou municipal bureau of labor and social security of Henan province. It is the International Food Education Base(IFBA -- EPNT) to develop national senior cooks, technicians and culinary management talents. The school is affiliated to the New Oriental Cuisine Education Institution, having a strong national education network and resources.


The New Oriental Cuisine Education Institution founded in 1988, belongs to Xinhua Education Group. Since its inception, by adopting multi-level, multi-brand, and chain model of running school, it has always been adhering to the mission "Xinhua Education, devote oneself to serve the country". During the past 29 years, adhering to the principle "bring together the world famous cuisines, and cultivate the cook elites" , it has established 36 cuisine schools in provincial capital cities and major cities in China and cultivated more than 700 thousands excellent cooking talents for society. In the difficult 29 years, we are creating new modes of Chinese cuisine education; we are making famous brand of Chinese cuisine education; we are creating Chinese cuisine education carrier. For the development of the catering industry, for the national implementation of "re-employment" project our school has made great contribution.

鄭州新東方烹飪學(xué)校坐落在河南省鄭州市二七區(qū)馬寨工業(yè)園學(xué)院路6號,距鄭州科技學(xué)院兩公里,環(huán)境優(yōu)美,交通便利。學(xué)校設(shè)施設(shè)備完善,發(fā)展前景廣闊,常年在校生近4000人。學(xué)校占地200余畝,擁有教職工200余人,其中國家級烹飪大師11人,特級講師32人,擁有實(shí)訓(xùn)燃?xì)庠?00多臺,國內(nèi)一流水準(zhǔn)實(shí)習(xí)廳、示范廳、刀功練習(xí)廳、 翻鍋練習(xí)廳、現(xiàn)代化實(shí)訓(xùn)工廠、現(xiàn)代化模擬廚房、切配、熱菜、冷拼、 雕刻、面點(diǎn)等各類實(shí)習(xí)大廳及標(biāo)本展示廳百余間,學(xué)校就業(yè)網(wǎng)絡(luò)體系遍布全國,為學(xué)生就業(yè)提供了可靠的保障,合格畢業(yè)生100%免費(fèi)推薦就業(yè)。鄭州新東方烹飪學(xué)校——中國現(xiàn)代化餐飲教育行業(yè)先鋒,多次被上級主管部門評為“示范窗口學(xué)?!薄ⅰ跋冗M(jìn)辦學(xué)單位”、“信得過培訓(xùn)單位”、“文明學(xué)?!钡确Q號。學(xué)校本著“團(tuán)結(jié)、務(wù)實(shí)、開拓、奉獻(xiàn)”的企業(yè)精神,將不斷開拓創(chuàng)新,與時(shí)俱進(jìn),為中國烹飪教育事業(yè)做出更大的貢獻(xiàn)。鄭州新東方烹飪學(xué)校全體教職員工正以只爭朝夕的責(zé)任感和使命感,與時(shí)俱進(jìn),矢志書寫中國烹飪教育事業(yè)更加輝煌燦爛的明天!

Zhengzhou New East Cuisine School is located in Xueyuan Road 6, Erqi District, Zhengzhou, Henan province, China. It has beautiful environment and convenient transportation, 2 kilometers away from Zhengzhou Institute of Science and Technology. The school covers an area of 200 acres and has a staff of more than 200 people, including 11 national culinary masters, 32 super lecturers. Nearly 4000 students are here in school with broad prospects for development. It has qualified facilities and equipment, with over 200 gas cookers for practice and more than 100 national classic level class rooms, such as practicing hall, demonstration hall, slicing technique hall, turning pots technique hall, modern training hall, modern simulated kitchen, slicing classroom, cooking classroom, carving classroom and bakery classroom etc. The school has nationwide employment network system, so it can provide reliable guarantee for students' employment. Also the qualified graduates employment recommendation is 100% free. Zhengzhou New East Cuisine School, modern catering industry education pioneer in China, has been honored by the higher authorities many times as a "model school", "advanced education unit", "trustworthy training unit", "civilized school" and so on. Adhering to the entrepreneurial spirit of "unity, pragmatism, pioneering, dedication," the school will continue to explore and innovate and advance with the times to make greater contributions to China's culinary education. Zhengzhou New East Cuisine School’s faculty are to make more contribution to make the Chinese culinary education greater, by seizing every minute with the sense of responsibility and mission and also keeping pace with the times.


Zhengzhou New EAST Cuisine School enrollment quantity every year


School students in 4000 people, all the year round 2015 recruit students 3238 people, recruit students 3498 people in the whole year of 2016, the average annual enrollment quantity at a rate of 10% growth.


The present status of the school English curriculum


Schools are now a three-year top chef opened cooking English curriculum, teaching outline plan 42 classes, students can master cooking professional oral English ability for the teaching goal. Learning from pronunciation basis, system such as kitchen utensils and tableware, Cooking materials, alcohol, name of the dishes, cooking techniques, cuisine cooking process such as kitchen related to English and Chinese food and western food and dining etiquettes.




專業(yè)名稱 安置或?qū)嵙?xí)人數(shù) 男女比例 安置或?qū)嵙?xí)時(shí)間
三年制頂級大廚專業(yè) 待定 男生為主 全年不定期
兩年制金牌大廚專業(yè) 待定 男生為主 全年不定期
兩年制大廚精英專業(yè) 待定 男生為主 全年不定期
兩年制經(jīng)典西點(diǎn)專業(yè) 待定 男女都有 全年不定期
